The Mr. Men OC Wiki

Little Miss Sane is a fan character created by ComicaDreams.

[Basic description of the character]



Little Miss Sane is an outsider looking in; as the newest resident in Dillydale, she hasn't gotten accustomed to the way its residents act. She's very observant and  tries to be reasonable with others. However, she has a low tolerance for shenanigans (tickling, pranks, nosy neighbors, etc.) and can be prone to moments of paranoia.

While Miss Sane doesn't always trust her neighbors to do anything right, she has a soft spot for those who have similar mindsets to her, as well as the easily startled and constantly hurt. In other words, characters like Mr. Bump and Mr. Nervous aren't ones she'll criticize a lot. (Although she and Mr. Grumpy tend to snark at each-other occasionally when one of them manages to get on the others nerves.)

Interestingly enough, Miss Sane always seems to be prepared for what happens. This is likely just because of "the zappy thing" (it's actual name is unknown), a super-speed ability that she didn't even realize she had until she moved to Dillydale. While it isn't compatible with her personality (and can't be used frequently because of that), "the zappy thing" does tend to activate in times of trouble. Needless to say, she does have a few hang-ups about it; such as being unable to access her powers or how her cousin Little Miss Energy was always better at using them.


Little Miss Comical


Little Miss Ranger


Little Miss Energy


Mr. Tickle


Mr. Small and Mr. Nosey


Mr. Bump


Different Dillydale Life[]



  • Little Miss Sane's redesign was inspired by Alice from Alice in Wonderland, because it's the most well-known story where a protagonist wanders into a unfamiliar world that doesn't obey reality's rules. More specifically, Miss Sane's color scheme was based off of the original interpretation of the character that portrayed her with brown hair and a yellow dress, rather than the blue dress and blonde hair version that was popularized through American releases of the story. (Fun fact: some of those releases even predate Disney's version of Alice by fifty years!)
  • Miss Sane wasn't intended to have superpowers. Miss Sane was meant to be an average, everyman-type character. However, while "All Stress and No Rest" was being written, the idea of Miss Sane zapping around stuck around. Likewise, she was made Miss Energy's cousin due to not only having the same powers, but having the same skin and nose colors and body shape as well.
  • "The zappy thing" may or may not have electrical properties. It's possible that it might since it's an ability she and Different Dillydale Life's interpretation of Little Miss Energy share, the latter of which has a design that implies a connection to lightning/electrical energy.


🔷 Little Miss Sane 🔷

Early concept art for Miss Sane's redesign. (Also serves as an early character guide!)

Comicadreams bio chart

Initial Bio (as of her redesign.)


With Miss Sane

Weird tales from dillydale page

"Weird Tales from Dillydale" - Page 1

Weird tales from dillydale pagetwo

"Weird Tales From Dillydale" - Page 2

Bad Luck Bump

Artwork depicting a scene from Chapter 6: "The Bad Luck of Mr. Bump."

See also[]


To be added.
